Unbalanced, "rogue-extralite", retro-style game with programmable passive items

Put blocks (conditions, modifiers and actions) in one of your scarves to get your unique passive ability! And then kill endless waves of enemies...

  • Collect these twinkling things (opiates)
  • With a sufficient level of opiate (the twinkling thing), you can hold (Down) to use this  substance
  • Press (Start) to open inventory. Here you can "build" a passive skill from the blocks! (Such as orange condition blocks, purple modifier blocks and blue action blocks)
    (A) - to add a block to an empty slot
    (B) - to remove a block from last equipped slot

    (Gif example: first column rules is: "if I hit an enemy, then throw a freezing flake and double it damage", in second column: "if I got hitted by an enemy, then active shield" )

( A ) - [K, Z, C]
( B ) - [L, X, J]
( Up ) - [ArrowUp, W]
( Down ) - [ArrowDown, S]
( Right ) - [ArrowRight, D]
( Left ) - [ArrowLeft, A]
( Start ) - [Space, Enter]

Also try to play with a gamepad!

@ Bogdanov 2023 - for Retrograde Jam 4
@ Music by nightrealm


Extra Potion.zip 26 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download the game
  2. Open the game
  3. Play the game
  4. Close the game
  5. Delete the game
  6. Rate the game

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